Monday 12 September 2011

Busy days on the computer

As well as keeping up to date with my own blog I am now a guest blogger for the Womens' Institute.  I am enjoying it a lot so do go and check me out if you have a moment!  The WI is a great organisation and it helps me get out of the garden once in a while. 

As for Jam and Jerusalem, well, since we do have a lot of fruit at Springfield, my jam pan is very active, but we don't sing Jerusalem very often these days.  There is lots of interesting discussion and the opportunity to make new friends, hear interesting speakers and join in on lots of trips.  So why not give it a try?


  1. That was meant to follow on from my previous comment that has disappeared - I congratulate you on being a WI Blogger, your wonderful garden and I am now following your blog with Google readers. I am a member of Emersons Green WI, Avon Fed.
