Monday 12 September 2011

Busy days on the computer

As well as keeping up to date with my own blog I am now a guest blogger for the Womens' Institute.  I am enjoying it a lot so do go and check me out if you have a moment!  The WI is a great organisation and it helps me get out of the garden once in a while. 

As for Jam and Jerusalem, well, since we do have a lot of fruit at Springfield, my jam pan is very active, but we don't sing Jerusalem very often these days.  There is lots of interesting discussion and the opportunity to make new friends, hear interesting speakers and join in on lots of trips.  So why not give it a try?

Trees, trees and more trees

Today, the north wind doth blow with unwelcome vengeance.  Our neighbours have lost a huge limb from a lime tree and our apples are raining down like grenades.  I have confined the chickens to their run for protection.  The gale is roaring through the trees and our bean canes have been flattened.  It is a good job the damsons are harvested – there is no way Doc could clamber up a ladder today.

The garden is definitely out of bounds at present because the trees are bending ominously and twiggy stuff is flying everywhere.  However, trees are still my favourite feature of any garden and they form the backbone to Springfield.  They are the garden’s structure and compliment the big sky and valley beyond.  I have heard it said that you look down on flowers but you look up to trees and I agree with this sentiment.  The vegetables are for the season and the pot, the flowers are the fizz but it is the trees that are awesome.  They give permanence and presence to the garden and hopefully they will be a legacy for long after we are gone. 

Since moving here we have added several varieties of apple, plum, pear and damson trees in the orchard.  We have also planted an aromatic Asian pear tree and a long row of different cordon apples.  The new dwarf rooting stocks will ensure that managing the trees and harvesting the fruit will be easier in the future. On the ornamental front we are pleased with our weeping silver pear tree (Pyrus salicifolia Pendula) and a lovely medium golden birch (Betula ‘Golden Beauty’).

There is a lovely compact Magnolia Stellata (Star Magnolia) which we associate with the arrival of spring and although the white flowers are dreamily scented, its furry buds are just as appealing.  The huge purple beech tree that is in touching distance of the house needed to be expertly surveyed.  However, being fully grown (100 years old!) and on good foundations, it was reprieved.  We love the autumn colour and are happy to put up with millions of squirrels invading us for the nuts.

We have also had some of the older trees pruned and unfortunately some thugs have had to be removed.  There was a particularly attractive conifer, with lime green tassels and attractive cones.  It was only 5 feet high when we came here but when Doc removed the tree stake, it took off at an alarming rate and grew to twice the size in a very short time.  When we discovered that its eventual height would be in excess of 90 feet it unfortunately got the chop.  Although we are fairly large, we are not a stately park and a very attractive acer looks just as good in its place!  We don’t feel guilty about this because logs are seasoned and burned on the fire to cut down on heating bills and for every tree lost we have planted at least one replacement. 

Last to go was a nameless perpendicular conifer that was nothing more but an exclamation mark at the foot of the lawn and a friend has sourced us a Cornus Kousa 'China Girl' (Chinese Flowering Dogwood) to go in its place.  This will eventually grow to a modest 20 feet and has eye-catching creamy-white bracts in June, good red and orange autumn tints to the leaves and brightly coloured, strawberry-like fruits in the autumn.

Since we are keen to keep on planting trees, on Doc and I recently visited the Bluebell Arboretum and Nursery, near Ashby de la Zouch in Derbyshire.  (Thank goodness we didn’t go today!).  Entry is free to RHS members which is a bonus and it is well worth a visit.

Thursday 8 September 2011

September days are here..

September has nothing to do with dates.  I felt it arrive on a breeze, in late August.  So, I have swapped my sun hat for a body warmer and find myself doing more tidying up than planting.  The greenhouse is blurred with condensation in the morning and the door does not need opening until lunch time.  Our daily trug is lighter now that the harvest is slowly dwindling and the last roses are clinging to the departing summer.  Once or twice I have glimpsed a yellow leaf peeping out from the sea of green and the air is thick with the smell of fallen apples.  Joy of joys, there is not much watering to do.
I love September because both the garden and the gardeners mellow.  We are not rushing anywhere and are happy to tick along for a few weeks more, in blissful harmony.   Whilst the pumpkin plants are cropping well, they are a little uncomfortable with mildew but the asters are free of it and very perky, bobbing in the breeze to attract our attention.  It is nice to have the time to pick some for the house.
Doc climbed his new tripod ladder to harvest the damsons.  They were ready much earlier this year- and we now have 20lbs of deep purple rugby ball shaped fruits stashed in the freezer, though we could have probably doubled that if the ladder was taller.  I like to make jams and chutneys in the late autumn when the dark, cold days of November need cheering up with a bubbling cauldron of spicy smells.  Doc likes to make his Damson gin for no other reason than he likes it.
There were two damson trees when we arrived at Springfield nearly 8 years ago and we see them as the elder statesmen of the garden.  They are overgrown, with huge gnarled boughs straining under the weight of age and scarred with a lifetime’s experience.  Every year, they manage to fruit in abundance but every year we think it will be the last.  Last winter the sub-zero temperatures fractured a large limb from each of them and ripped away swathes of their bark too....
But the life of the garden has to go on and we have planted a replacement Shropshire Prune and who knows when it will take over the production of our treasured damsons.  September would not be September without Doc and me warning each other to watch out for squished damsons on the path.